Friday, June 28, 2013

Halo (Piano Intro) {{MUSIC}}

So this, my friends, is a video of me (gasp) playing the intro to the song Halo by Beyonce on the piano. Yeah, I pretty much just repeat my favorite part over and over, but the lighting was really pretty (even out of focus). Kind of artsy, kind of fun.

p.s. may I just say that I am SO excited for the weekend? Hope you guys have a great one!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

And We're Back

Hey All!

Sorry for being such an absentee blogger! I'd like to say life is going to become less crazy in the coming months - but trust me, it's just going to continue to be crazier and crazier! I'm making some pretty major changes in my life, and it's going to make the next few months/years pretty hectic. I'm excited about it all though, and once things become more "set in stone" I'll share my new adventures with all of you!

In the mean time, I've decided to change the way I do things with my blog. I have been writing on each of my pages (minus my ME page), and doing the random update (like this) on the main page. But I've decided I don't like that, so I'm going to change it. From now on, all of my posts will be here, on the main page - but you'll also be able to find the post on my pages. This way, there will be a little more organization, a little less scrolling, and hopefully more interaction between you and I.

Awesome, this is so much fun. Random tid bit of fun-Kortney-facts: I've been reading The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and I'm completely enthralled with it (which may or may not play in to the whole "absentee blogger" thing).  Anyway, if you're looking for a good read, pick up his series. Shout out to my awesome sister and brother-in-law for getting me the series for my 21st! You guys are THE best.

I've got so many blog ideas in my head, I'm really hoping to get them out of my head and on to the internet here pretty soon so hang in there with me.

Okay, that's all for now! Be back soon (hopefully)!