Friday, May 31, 2013

The Month of May

Oh, May... May is an incredibly full month in the Good household. The first two weeks are spent gearing up for the rest of what's to come, and then starting on the 14th - it explodes!

May 5th - Cinco de Mayo
May 14th - Westin (my nephew) turned 4!
May 18th - Westin's friend party (with about 60 of his closest friends haha)
May 19th - Westin's family party with our extended family
May 20th - We surprised my Mom for her birthday by kidnapping her and taking her to Denver for lunch and shopping.
May 22nd - Went out dancing with friends and at midnight got a drink for my 21st birthday
May 23rd - My parents 26th anniversary
May 23rd - My 21st birthday (my parents kidnapped me and surprised me by taking me to a wolf rescue - I was in heaven! haha)
May 24th - Drake's girlfriend graduated from high school
May 26th - My Aunt's birthday
May 27th - Memorial Day (went to Territory Days!)
May 29th - USAFA Graduation - bye bye friends - SO proud of you all!
May 31st - Kreg and Keleigh (brother-in-law & sister) celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary! 

Add work schedules, sports, and the occasional outing with friends and the month absolutely flies by at warp speed. So, naturally, I've got some catching up to do! Both blogging, with my etsy shop, AND with the rest of my life. Housework? What's that again?

Hopefully the rest of the summer will slow down a little bit (but I'm not holding my breath) and I'll finally get myself into a more regular schedule. Thanks for hanging in there while I was mostly absent!

I hope you've had a spectacular May, made memories that will last a lifetime, and tried something new. If not - there is always June!

Monday, May 13, 2013


Time flies when you're having fun. And when you're super busy. I must apologize for my lack of updating the last few days, time truly got away from me this weekend.

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day - either as a Mother or celebrating one, or both! I'm truly blessed by some wonderful women in my life who are absolutely amazing role models for me for when I become a mother myself. So, a real quick shout out to my Mom, both of my Grandmothers, my Aunt Kristi, and my older sister Keleigh - thank you for the example you all are as mothers! There are so many other women who influence my life; these are just a few who have been beautiful examples of what a Mother should be.

I've discovered that trying to juggle three jobs and still have time for hobbies and must-dos (like laundry and cleaning bathrooms) is quite a challenge. You'd think I would have figured this out by now, but I always have a tendency to just try winging it first. Since it's become apparent that that will NOT work anymore, I will be spending the evening/morning making a schedule, and a new budget. Doesn't that sound like fun? ;) I'm actually a little bit excited about it, simply because I'm really trying to get organized. LIVE SIMPLY - that's my motto for life, but especially this year. I've been cleaning out and getting rid of things I don't need, and organizing my time will definitely make it easier to truly live simply. More on that later.

I've finally got my camera back in my possession (it has been hiding out at my sister and my mom's house recently) so get ready for some picture overload! New photos will be posted to my Photography page, AND I will finally get some outfits posted onto my style page. Yay!

Thanks for stopping by, please leave a comment below!! :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Listing: Venice, Italy - New Travel Blog: Florence, Italy

Hey there everybody!

Guess what I've been up to on my "day off?" Working. Of course, right? Good thing I love what I do! I've been working on new listings for Kalos Kanvases most of today, and yesterday I got my travel page updated with 10 Things To Do in Florence. I'm still having a couple of "issues" with my the comments sections, so if you're not able to leave a comment on my other pages, please feel free to leave them on my home page until I can get that adjusted.

Also - please check out my listings (old and new) on my Etsy shop, and let me know what you think! Feedback is HUGELY appreciated.

Style page updates coming soon!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

So That Was My Weekend...

This weekend was a lot busier than I thought it was going to be - so I have to apologize for the lack of updates! Don't worry - they're coming. :)

I just got back from my soccer game, we won 5-4! The other team was playing super dirty, in fact they had one girl get ejected from the game and they had so many fouls called on them that we got free kicks. (indoor soccer league, the rules are weird) Anyway, with about three minutes left in the second half I got tackled hardcore. I got some pretty sweet war wounds (bloody scrapes, and some bruises) but I also hurt my ribs :( Soooo I'll most likely be visiting my chiropractor, Dr. Kurt, tomorrow.

I wanted to wish you all a happy CINCO DE MAYO!! I got to spend it with my family (except for my parents who decided to take a weekend get-away in the mountains - yes I AM jealous!), had lunch with the whole crew: brother-in-law (Kreg) & sister (Keleigh), nephews (Westin & Tucker), brother (Drake), and sister (Taylor). Then I got to babysit my nephews with Taylor while Kreg and Keleigh took a TEN MILE RUN, yes, they're crazy. And training for a half-marathon. Then I had some Mexican with the whole crew (minus Drake) just before I had to head out to my soccer game.

 Don't mind how boring my burrito looks... or the eagle on the blanket under my plate hahaha. Keleigh really made a spectacular dinner - I just tend to eat things plane. Keleigh made these tortilla shells all by herself - and yes I will be getting and sharing her recipe asap, so stay tuned!
This is me grabbing my soccer stuff and heading to dinner. Decided to wear my "Cancun" t-shirt in honor of Cinco de Mayo.

I know this is a very random update, but I just didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about you! Tomorrow and Tuesday I should be able to get some good stuff up for you! Thanks for being patient.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend, however you spent it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thank You!

Hey everybody!!

I just wanted to say thank you for the love so far! I appreciate you checking things out, following me, and leaving comments! You guys are the best!

Thursdays and Fridays are usually pretty crazy for me as far as my work schedule goes, but I will be adding a few more things to my pages tonight, so stay tuned!!

Right now I'm going to go work on learning a song on the piano, which I might share with you later on my music page! If not my video, I'll definitely share the tutorial, which I found on Youtube.

This weekend I'm going to focus on getting some fun pictures and facts posted to my travel page, so don't forget to check those out!! Also, I talked to my sister today, and we are going to be getting some outfits posted on my style page ASAP.

Lots of exciting things coming!! I've also broken out my old HTML book, so (hopefully) we'll get the entire blog spiced up a bit in the next week or so, hang with me until then, and never forget, "Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication."~ Leonardo da Vinci.

You guys really are the best, and I appreciate your support more than you could possibly know!!

Thank YOU!
