Friday, May 31, 2013

The Month of May

Oh, May... May is an incredibly full month in the Good household. The first two weeks are spent gearing up for the rest of what's to come, and then starting on the 14th - it explodes!

May 5th - Cinco de Mayo
May 14th - Westin (my nephew) turned 4!
May 18th - Westin's friend party (with about 60 of his closest friends haha)
May 19th - Westin's family party with our extended family
May 20th - We surprised my Mom for her birthday by kidnapping her and taking her to Denver for lunch and shopping.
May 22nd - Went out dancing with friends and at midnight got a drink for my 21st birthday
May 23rd - My parents 26th anniversary
May 23rd - My 21st birthday (my parents kidnapped me and surprised me by taking me to a wolf rescue - I was in heaven! haha)
May 24th - Drake's girlfriend graduated from high school
May 26th - My Aunt's birthday
May 27th - Memorial Day (went to Territory Days!)
May 29th - USAFA Graduation - bye bye friends - SO proud of you all!
May 31st - Kreg and Keleigh (brother-in-law & sister) celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary! 

Add work schedules, sports, and the occasional outing with friends and the month absolutely flies by at warp speed. So, naturally, I've got some catching up to do! Both blogging, with my etsy shop, AND with the rest of my life. Housework? What's that again?

Hopefully the rest of the summer will slow down a little bit (but I'm not holding my breath) and I'll finally get myself into a more regular schedule. Thanks for hanging in there while I was mostly absent!

I hope you've had a spectacular May, made memories that will last a lifetime, and tried something new. If not - there is always June!

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