Monday, May 13, 2013


Time flies when you're having fun. And when you're super busy. I must apologize for my lack of updating the last few days, time truly got away from me this weekend.

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day - either as a Mother or celebrating one, or both! I'm truly blessed by some wonderful women in my life who are absolutely amazing role models for me for when I become a mother myself. So, a real quick shout out to my Mom, both of my Grandmothers, my Aunt Kristi, and my older sister Keleigh - thank you for the example you all are as mothers! There are so many other women who influence my life; these are just a few who have been beautiful examples of what a Mother should be.

I've discovered that trying to juggle three jobs and still have time for hobbies and must-dos (like laundry and cleaning bathrooms) is quite a challenge. You'd think I would have figured this out by now, but I always have a tendency to just try winging it first. Since it's become apparent that that will NOT work anymore, I will be spending the evening/morning making a schedule, and a new budget. Doesn't that sound like fun? ;) I'm actually a little bit excited about it, simply because I'm really trying to get organized. LIVE SIMPLY - that's my motto for life, but especially this year. I've been cleaning out and getting rid of things I don't need, and organizing my time will definitely make it easier to truly live simply. More on that later.

I've finally got my camera back in my possession (it has been hiding out at my sister and my mom's house recently) so get ready for some picture overload! New photos will be posted to my Photography page, AND I will finally get some outfits posted onto my style page. Yay!

Thanks for stopping by, please leave a comment below!! :)

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